
Abstract review finished, program available

The Scientific Committee has finished evaluating the abstracts submitted to the conference. All authors should have received a notification of the acceptance or rejection of their paper, along with the reviewers' comments - if you haven't for some reason, please contact us.

The first draft of the full program is now available. The registration (click here) has opened as well. The conference has no participation fee, and everybody is welcome to attend the talks. We would like to ask presenting participants to register and submit their revised abstracts (see guidelines under Registration) before the 5th of April. If you are a presenting author and have not received the e-mail about registration and abstract revision, please contact us. Registration is optional for the audience, but we would ask you to register as well for organization purposes. Pecha Kucha presenters have until the 12th of April to submit their abstracts (which they may still revise, upon request, until the 24th of April).